Cash Back - what is it Cash back to the buyer, cash back onlinetrade

Cash Back - what is it? Cash back to the buyer

In the sphere of trade, much attention isjust quality services, namely the psychology of the buyer, to convince him to make a purchase or order. This is much more difficult than offering a quality product, since in this case it is necessary to know how to present a particular product in a customer-friendly light and thus make it a sale.

In today's article, we'll talk about one of thetools, through which the number of sales of goods and services is actively increased. This is the Cash Back option. What is it, where it is applied, and who actively uses this tool in its business, read in this review.

What it is?

Let's start, perhaps, with the basics - a simple explanation of what the cashback service is.

This term occurs, as it is easyto guess from English. It is formed from two words: cash - "cash", "money" and back - "return". Literal translation allows us to call cashback (accent on the second syllable) the opportunity to return your money. To understand how the service works, let's give a simple example.

You made a purchase, but the seller offers yousuch an option as the return of your funds. If the level of cashback is 5%, then for every spent 100 rubles, roughly speaking, you will return 5. Thus, the final cost of services for you will be lower than if you made a purchase without this option.


Of course, Cash Back (which is, we are sure, youunderstood, or even knew before) allows you to talk about stimulating the client's desire to make orders. It is supported by simple calculations and benefits, which this service promises.

After all, if you make a purchase with this option, youit will be possible to save a certain amount of money by returning them. The more you buy, the more you will return. This is not at all comparable to the classic form of shopping, when no one returns. And this can not but please the buyer.

Where is it applied?

As we have already noted, in different spheresCash Back. What are these segments of the business, it's easy to guess: the money you spent can be returned to the trade. It is there that one store can be more attractive in the eyes of the client than the other, just at the expense of a connected cashback system.

Also often weaknesses of the buyer usebanks. A number of the largest financial institutions have launched programs in which all those who wish to make orders in one or another shop can receive their legal Cash Back. The reviews note that such a scheme makes it possible to return part of the invested funds only after the person is calculated by the card of an institution.

And this is, obviously, mutually beneficial, stablescheme of interaction: a person who buys on special terms can return a portion of the funds spent, and the bank thereby increases its customer portfolio and earns on transactions that they make with the help of cards. The advantage of the store is that it gets sales.

Sberbank program

Here, for example, the action "Thank you" from Sberbank. The largest institution of our country provides (on a permanent basis) a special offer to its clients. Those who make purchases in certain shops and services (which are partners of the bank) and pay with their card, receive a certain percentage of the invested amount back. His Cash Back Back Sberbank called the "Thank you" program. At the time of writing the article, several million people have already participated in the program.

All of them can shop in hundreds of stores, and in each such case a refund of money will be sent to the participant's card in the form of bonuses. The bet here "floats" depending on where you make the purchase. In some partner stores, the amount of refund is set at 50% of the amount paid.

In the future, after accumulating a certain amount, youyou can pay them. It is very easy to understand and profitable from a commercial point of view - to participate in such a program Cash Back. Sberbank, known for its reputation and backed by government bonds, acts as a guarantee that your money will actually go to the card and will be available for use.

The program of Alfa-Bank

Not only did Sberbank introduce such an action for its customers. Also holds the Cash Alfa-Bank program. The essence is similar to what is described in relation to the largest bank above.

Calculating with the help of cards "Alpha" onrefueling and in restaurants in Russia, you receive a refund of 10 and 5 percent respectively. Money becomes available after a certain period of time (once a month). Such an action provides not only the benefits of customers, but also the increase in demand for banking products, as well as the generation of sales for the service where the customer is being bred.

The program of the bank "Tinkoff"

Do not lag behind the described above and "Tinkoff Bank." In particular, the refund program was launched for those who make purchases of goods in certain categories (rate of 5%). In addition, the bank offers to make a payment of 10% of the amount of the deposit (if it is a question of a balance of up to 200 thousand rubles). However, the bank "Tinkoff" Cash Back is presented, rather, on a temporary basis, and this kind of shares are held in certain periods.

Where is more profitable?

Of course, all banks have different rates of return, the partners with whom financial institutions interact and the conditions under which the client is paid money are also different. Although, in essence, it makes no sense to compare the above mentioned banks with Cash Back-cards. Comparison is inexpedient for the reason that the benefit from such a program may not be so obvious within the framework of the campaign, how much it is convenient to use because of an open account in a particular bank.

Shops and other services

Of course, not only banks can promote their ownproducts with the help of an option such as a cash-back service. There are independent resources that are engaged in returning money to customers. One of the most famous is the website "Kopikot". The scheme of its operation is based on the same model as the banking institutions described above, only the form of calculating the buyer with the store does not matter: there is no need to receive the Cash Back-card. Comparison of the work models shows that the "Kopikot" service uses affiliate links, according to which the buyer must make an order. In the end, this is the main condition for obtaining a refund.

And of course, the return scheme of a percentagefrom the goods (in the form of bonuses) often use separate retail chains. Those stores that offer you savings cards, you can also say, work in a similar way.

Finally, to somehow celebrate the work of servicesCash Back (which is the scheme, and how it works, we have already understood), give some feedback that we managed to find in the process of writing this review. In them, those who were lucky enough to accumulate a certain number of bonuses, are very happy to receive a pleasant gift in the form of a purchase made for the accumulated amount.

For example, if you made several orders, who brought you N bonuses, then they acquired some valuable item (as many participants in the same "Thank you" program from Sberbank do), you will be very pleased to realize that this purchase was actually made at the expense of the funds returned to you. This is the beauty of the cashback model.

A person who gives his money forsome goods, do not expect to return them back, he mentally said goodbye to them. And if, after some time, he receives a certain percentage of the amount initially invested, he will be pleased to realize that he managed to get something for these funds.

The same feelings can be experienced by you, ifin time will begin to take part in the programs Cash Back. As you can see, there is nothing difficult in them: make purchases according to the stated conditions, and you will definitely be lucky.

What is also wonderful in such programs is the lack of the need to make additional investments from the participant. You just buy what you need, and the system pays you.


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